Learn all about retirement living with our experts

RSVP to This is Retirement Living Event

Thursday 15 August, 11am

Learn all about retirement living with our experts

There’s a lot to get your head around when it comes to retirement living. Not least of which is understanding what you’re buying into. At our information event, ‘This is Retirement Living’, our experts put you in the know about financials, contracts and downsizing. Giving you the knowledge to make more informed decisions about your future.

You’ll learn about:

  • Retirement financials, presented by Shaun Ganguly, Retirement Finance Expert and Adviser
  • Retirement living contracts, presented by Jessica Kinnear, Special Counsel, Moores
  • Downsizing tips, presented by Annette Simpson-Rial, Relocation Consultant, Classic Moves.

While you’re here we’d love to show you around our fabulous new community. View our beautiful display apartment and tour our stunning shared spaces. Afterwards enjoy some refreshments with us. To secure your place, fill out the form or contact elle@callistoplace.com.au. We’re looking forward to seeing you at Callisto Place!

This is Retirement Living
Callisto Place
Thursday 15 August, 11am
5 Galileo Gateway, Bundoora
RSVP by 8 August

Tram moving past chic local restaurant

Alive with things to do and places to go

Just 14 kilometres from the Melbourne CBD, Callisto Place is brimming with life. Everything is in easy walking distance, including streetside dining, hair and beauty salons, supermarkets, restaurants, cafés and retail, and laneways to explore. It’s only minutes to the town centre hub and if you need transport, bus and the CBD trams are on your doorstep and train and major highways are close by. The community is surrounded by nature and green spaces, with extensive parklands and waterways, plus cycling and walking tracks at your back door.


Get together with friends new and old